Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

Go High with DIY Storage System

Even if you’ve pared down your stuff considerably, it doesn’t mean you are stuff-free. You still need that abacus for tax-season or that cricket set for your anglophilic outings. In other words, most of us–save Andrew Hyde–need storage.

A lot of storage takes up valuable floor or wall real estate–a particular waste for stuff you don’t need to access all that often. Ideally, stuff you don’t need that often doesn’t occupy proverbial beachfront property.

We ran across this simple ceiling-mounted storage scheme from The Family Handyman that uses seldom-used vertical space, perfect for seldom-used items.

The site provides a step-by-step guide for constructing the system. The skill level required to make and install it is higher than something like an Elfa system, but it’s surely less expensive for comparably volume (~$100-500). And it’s more versatile; though they use big red bins, we could imagine affixing flanges to the rim of any box for easy sliding; this way you could make the system aesthetically suitable for any room.

Do you have creative storage solutions that use seldom-used spaces? Let us know.

via The Family Handyman