Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

Design your life to include more money, health and happiness with less stuff, space and energy.

5 Minimalist Blogs Worth Checking Out

You’re editing your life. You tossed those jeans you haven’t worn since the Clinton administration. You automated your bill payments. You traded in those books for a Kindle. You moved to a home where you could walk to everywhere you need to go.

Beyond editing your physical possessions, you started to evaluate your mental consumption habits. You started to wonder about the quantity and quality of the media you consume. Perhaps those hours spent on might be spent better elsewhere. You want to consume less media in general, and make the stuff you do consume to support your new way of life.

While we know it’s inconceivable that you’d need anything more than, there are a number of worthwhile writers and sites singing the less-is-more gospel. Here are just a few that are worth checking out:

  • Zen Habits. Since 2007, Leo Babauta has been dispensing his practical suggestions for simplifying and improving your life.
  • Miss Minimalist. Blogger Francine Jay, according to her website, is a minimalist. Period.  A recent post took on whether having more than 1 child is non-minimalist.
  • The Minimalists. Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus were a couple corporate types who gave it all up to write heady essays about minimalism and living a meaningful life.
  • Rowdy Kittens. Don’t let the name fool you, blogger/author Tammy Strobel is a serious minimalist and, along with her husband, a tiny house dweller.
  • Project 333. Courtney Carver, who also runs the popular blog Be More with Less, runs this blog focused on fashion of all things. It’s a bit of how-to site, focusing on how to use only 33 pieces of clothing every 3 months.

Of course there are many more, but making an interminable list would sort of defeat the purpose of an edited reading list.

What are you reading? We’d love to hear your favorite sites and publications for minimalist living.

image credit ehow